Our Website Has Officially Launched

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” T.S. Eliot

What a surreal moment to be writing this today, we have officially launched our website; ellespsychology.com. A day that seems like we have been waiting forever for but simultaneously feels like we only made the decision to start this company yesterday. In honour of us launching ELLES and all the services we can provide, I wanted to let everyone who comes to view our website see a little bit of behind the curtain and who ELLES really are. Our website covers who we are ethically, morally and professionally but I wanted to give a glimpse of who we are as humans. We are two sisters with almost an 8 year age gap who never really knew when little what our true passion was or could be. We grew up extremely lucky and privileged that our family supported us in many, many, many extra curriculums from dancing, performing, swimming, baking, playing instruments and caring for animals. This means that ‘ELLES’ has worn and had an embarrassing level of different hats and faces throughout the years. It once was going to be a Dance School, and then a Bakery, an Animal Centre, and the list goes on. Though, the one thing that we can say for certain is that what has never and will never change is, us; us working together to create and build something very special. ELLES is emotionally, spiritually and physically us. The initials EE & LL our both our fore and middle names that blend together to create our passion. Not to worry, we are no longer those children still growing and making-sense of who we are or what we want to do. We have spent the last 10 years (Emma being the older sister has been doing it just a little bit longer) working separately to grow as individuals in our own fields to realise over 5 years ago that we could come together and combine our skills to provide assistance to so many different humans, and just under 2 years ago we took a chance and created ELLES Psychology. We cannot wait to see where this journey takes us and we really hope you trust in us to take you along too. Before I go off in a tangent as I could talk about ELLES 24/7 for 365 days a year, I want to leave you with a message we wrote last year for our first ever Christmas celebration:

“So here’s to so many more celebrations together, seeing who and what we welcome along the way. Little Emma and Lauren would be pretty proud of future them”.

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