Business Services​

With over 40 years combined experience of delivering trainings and services to adults, child and adult research, direct-work in child psychology, and the commitment to continuous improvement in our knowledge and practice; we rightly blend experts of knowledge, practice and experience. This makes us the suitable team to deliver a diverse range of services, all supported by ongoing and established psychological research.

Our Services

We are not claiming to ‘reinvent the wheel’ as these are all well-known concepts. However, engaging employees in wellness discussions is still
challenging and often dismissed as a ‘tick box exercise’ with vague concepts, dull presentations and repetitive questionnaires. We instead aim to
make this ‘ready-made wheel’ experience unique, entertaining and comfortable for all, through our exploration of ‘workplace play’.

Company-Wide &/or Small-Scale Interactive Trainings

Our Trainings:

Employee Wellness & Resilience
Manager / Leadership
Conflict & Resolution
Bereavement & Loss
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia & Dyscalculia
Physical / Sensory Differences
Speech & EAL (English as an Additional Language)
Supporting Working Parents

Available in:

1.5 hours

Half day sessions (3 hours)

Full day sessions (6 hours)

Collaborative Problem Solving for Individual or Team-Based Issues

We co-create actions and recommendations, with reviews within a target timeframe. Recommendations can be reviewed further if required.

Manager, Supervisor and Team-Leaders Based Support

With blocks (1 hour sessions for 6-8 weeks) of dedicated support focussed around supporting individuals or their teams. or Bespoke programme lengths available.

Our Business Services Provide:

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing

Innovation and Creativity

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Improved Employee Engagement

Effective Leadership Development

Conflict Resolution and Management

A Holistic Approach and Understanding

Ethical Decision Making

Long Term Success

We Also Offer...

Bespoke Service Research

We will audit / analyse your existing wellbeing approach and its effectiveness in your business, and together create a (or enhance an existing) bespoke wellbeing business strategy.

This will include a detailed programme of bespoke targeted initiatives and wellbeing strategies created with your business’s current data via our assessment tools.

Allows For...

Early identification and intervention.
Empowerment and advocacy, improved relationships and long term success, whilst developing better employee and company engagement.
Improved employer and employee wellbeing, effectiveness and efficiency.
Improved services and outcomes for your own clients.
Evidence to demonstrate impact, effectiveness, efficiency and value for money.
Evidence to support problem solving, inform decision-making and develop the knowledge required for improvement strategies.

By Providing...

A collaborative and psychologically informed research process.
A baseline of strengths and needs from which to measure change.
Positive skill based sessions with a qualified Educational Psychologist (EP) and other specialised experts of practice and experience.
Development of tailored interventions that address the specific needs, strengths and preferences of the company.
Personalised recommendations to modify or improve existing services.
Individualised support in implementing recommendations.

Our Approach

We believe in a “human” approach; that adults are children who have simply grown up. Our services are embedded in psychologically informed practice, positive psychology and strength-based approaches which help locate, unlock and embrace your “inner” child. Our sessions are all “play” centred using evidence based tools and strategies.

Employers or managers are not clinicians, counsellors or therapists and navigating this tightrope is a popular referral into our services. Line management is an underrated skill, and organisations typically
promote skilled practitioners without support to develop their communication skills. Our services provide the clear expectations and boundaries at the start, regular opportunities for feedback and feedforward and raising small worries directly before they spiral out of control.

With the constant and rapid changes within the wellness sector, we are specialists trained to help guide you through the common uncertainties surrounding employee wellness, employing employees
who require additional support and equipping your current employees with the tools to practice self efficient and sustainable techniques.

Booking form

Interactive Trainings

Fill out the form above, and we will be in touch shortly.

Booking form

Consultation / Intervention

Fill out the form above, and we will be in touch shortly.

Booking form

Coaching / Mentoring

Fill out the form above, and we will be in touch shortly.