Public Sector Services

With over 40 years combined experience of working directly with and in the Public Sector, including public and private work with Local Authorities and Schools. Our work includes dedicated involvement with children, statutory reports, delivering trainings with adults, teaching, research and the commitment to continuous improvement in our knowledge and practice. This makes us the suitable team to deliver a diverse range of services, all grounded in evidence-based practices and psychological theories, ensuring that our services are based on sound research and expertise

Our Services

We want to bridge the gap between all the systems collaborating together to ensure children, families, authorities and schools, are able to have their strengths, ambitions and needs explored, recognised, celebrated and supported.

We can also offer talks and presentations which are delivered by passionate specialists and experts with a fun and engaging approach. This allows for key information and messages to be shared with a wider audience. 

Working With Local Authorities to Provide:

EHCP Statutory Reports

ELSA Training and Supervision

Working With Your School to Provide:

Individual Child Assessment

Child / Group Interventions

School Trainings / Programmes

Coaching and Supervision

Our Public Sector Services Provide:

A Holistic Approach and Understanding

Promote Positive Relationships

Improved Child Wellbeing

Long Term Success

Individual Child Assessment

An in-depth assessment of an individual child with an Education Psychologist which could focus on:
Cognition and learning strengths / needs.
Social, Emotional or Mental Health strengths / needs
+ A detailed report of findings and recommendations
+ Shareholders feedback meeting 

Individual Child or Group Intervention

6 sessions of either:
Social Skills or Friendship Group
Emotional Regulation
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Solution Focused Therapy
Attachment / Informed Child – Led Intervention
+ A summary report

Coaching and Supervision

Individual or group virtual and weekly supervision with a qualified Educational Psychologist (EP), with additional qualifications in Clinical Supervision (a BPS requirement for practice for an AsEP or Trainee EP).

Supervision is suitable for:
Assistant Psychologist (APs)

Coaching is suitable for:
SLT / Safeguarding Team
Individual Teaching / Learning Teams

Our Services

Family Programmes

A 6 session programme which breaks down the specific needs for the below topics:
The EHCP process
Relational Approaches
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

It will include activities, discussions and a chance for families to meet a community of people in similar situations. We can facilitate the group sessions in your school building

ELSA Training and Supervision

A training offer to support mental health and well-being in schools. ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support
Assistants working in primary and secondary schools. A 6 week programme of training from the Educational Psychologist (EP) to help ELSA’s to plan, deliver and evaluate bespoke interventions for identified pupils in their schools.

Following the training programme, to help ELSAs to continue to develop their skills and sustain their role, ELSAs will meet twice termly for a group supervision session with up to seven other ELSAs and an EP


SLT, safeguarding team or all staff:
Employee Wellness & Resilience
Manager / Leadership
Conflict & Resolution
Bereavement & Loss
Dyslexia, Dyspraxia & Dyscalculia
Physical / Sensory Differences
Speech & EAL (English as an Additional Language)
Supporting Working Parents